Chapter 541 Frost's tear2013-10-29 08:00:00 "Despair ... ..." Rowling sat down on the stone ruins, covered with blood, but still raised his hand, artifact on the directions: "despair ... ... Despair ... ... " Side gently whispers with, the body arms dream of bahuang city Prince suddenly bashing pour in to, again also ceased to past of Majesty and powerful, along ground forward crawling, he distance despair also only ten step of away, but to he now of injury, this ten step is like is do in General, arms support with broken residual of body, almost each step are is so of hard. …… Cold mouth Yang Ling, with a look of disdain: "Oh, really? Rollin, you take the thousands of people came to the cemetery of heroes, might it not be despair just to find this handle? Haha, I seem to understand ... ... However, do you think they were truly worthy of Ares Alpha sulphur, blade? Scum like you, you deserve this knew God's army? ” Said with, Ling cold suddenly fly bashing stepped forward, "bang" a feet stepped on in has Luo forest of shoulder Shang, Yang up hands sickle of sharp toolholder, "managed" a sound straight wear Luo forest of chest, armor collapse broken, on so will he nail in has ground, blood along mountain down flowing, Luo forest spray out a blood, pupil constantly of turned zoom, whole people has close lay dying has. "Rollin ... ..." Frost sword helped cut China, sees the tears, limped forward past sock, who was seen eyes stare crack: "Rollin King! Goddamn Ling Han, you bugger ... ... " NPC includes players from all sides rushed to the mountain top, we all know, can't let Hoyt died, this personal task failed! "Rustling ... ..." Stepped cloud boots stepped on broken has fine stone, I first a boarded has towering of rock, town months sword a cross, blade empty spin has rushed has past, "poof poof poof" of interspersed with with Ling cold of nursing body gas effort, right hand hold Dragon Pool sword, low drink a sound killed to BOSS ahead, feet white gas mount undulator from, s level even enrollment launched--a riding Dang thousand! Unfortunately, riding the moment when thousands of shots, Ling Han a Palm strike violently, "Mao" the direct prelude to the skills, this BOSS had better kerbside, signs can easily be broken again and again! A ride when thousands were shot, I never had any doubts, Janus turned, suddenly was an ice strongly + Tatsumi wind chop Slayer in Ling Han's chest! "2716! ” "2231! ” Defense is too high! Ling Han's eyes flashed with anger: "death! ” Right arm a cross, with death power swept, I see have real, body suddenly low, sword edged dash precision of MISS off BOSS of this a hit, body has in he behind, is suddenly Ling Han of turned speed fast must, left fist a swing, crashing hit in has I of shoulder Shang, like thousand June heavy hit General, whole people directly fly out impact in rock among, fought of wall broken, blood plunged a big cut, even without weapon, this Ling cold on I of attack still so fatal-- "19787! ” …… Rear, Sooke led group Dragon methyl scholar have killed to, however Ling Han is just gently of once fist effort impact, Sooke behind of dozens of name Dragon methyl scholar immediately on was detonation killed off has, and, chopped Dragon of stars edged, and Wang Jiang, and if rain several people also together was detonation killed off has, blare of pour in has blood among, more told we, this BOSS not we can against got of. 燕赵无双提着长剑飞掠而来,低喝道:“我们来拖住BOSS,李逍遥,你去解救罗林,不能让他挂掉,否则大家都会死得毫无价值!” 我转身看去,罗林被厄运穿插在地面上,鲜血横流,已经奄奄一息了。 燕赵无双擎剑扑杀,武安宣威连招挥洒在BOSS的后背之上,布拉格的盖世英雄、落幕两个人则被凌寒横扫一拳带出的死亡烈焰所击杀,凌寒狂笑声中抬起战靴就是一脚,“嘭”一声踹得燕赵无双连连后退,斗气护体的情况下依旧掉了1.8W+的气血。 “啊……” 燕赵无双急忙后退,凌寒贴地飞行而来,嘴角带着狞笑:“死!” 两侧,李牧、王翦两个人猛然掠至,战戟之旋+覆剑斩一起降临,但是攻击输出不够高,依旧没有能够拖延住BOSS,眼看燕赵无双即将被命中的时候,月倾浅猛然掠至,擎着双匕首:“不要杀我们家大叔……” 燕赵无双惊骇:“倾浅不要!” “刷!” 又一道绝美的身影挡在了月倾浅的前方,林婉儿已经凝聚出凡尘之盾技能,诸神之临技能加持,双足离地,飞行状态下提升20%全属性,抬手抓起身后的铁伞,美女大小姐是要凭着一个刺客的身体去承受异魔君王的一击?! “嘭……” 火光冲天,凌寒的愤怒一击,林婉儿经受重击,呜呜后退撞击在一块巨岩之上,气血瞬间见底了,好在还没有挂掉。 另一侧,花枪一壶酒提着长枪杀至,猛然一个纵跃,“嘭”一声撞击在BOSS身上,是百岳跳斩技能,并且眩晕BOSS高达3秒钟,提着重盾,花枪一壶酒喝道:“还等什么,谁去拿绝望,我们的任务就完成了,我在这里拖着!” 李牧、王翦一点头,急忙窜向了绝望的方向。 凌寒醒来之际,嘎嘎的狞笑,双拳同时抡起,直接轰击在花枪一壶酒的重盾上! “嘭!” “21237!” 花枪一壶酒口吐鲜血,险些被秒杀,岩壁之盾也被轰碎了,但依旧扬起铁枪,千重浪呼啸冲击向凌寒,造成的伤害值还算是不错。 凌寒暴怒着,抡起钢铁手臂又是悍烈一击,这次是真心要杀掉花枪一壶酒了! 猛然间,一个手持长剑的人突然掠至,“啪”一声撞开花枪一壶酒,喝道:“让我来挡!” 来者不是别人,正是兵临城下的盟主,飘渺云烟一声低吼,左臂之上浮现出一道道龙纹,青龙臂直接横扫而出,“嘭”一声直接砸开了凌寒的一次猛攻,啧啧,这青龙臂100%的破除一次攻击,强悍的效果不是该的。 但下一刻,凌寒愤怒低吼一声,双臂贯穿大地,山体颤抖,“嘭嘭嘭”的冲击波肆虐,林婉儿、月倾浅、飘渺云烟等人纷纷被冲击得滚下山脉去,而我也急急的扶住山岩。 转身冲向了罗林的方向,我伸手抓住满是鲜血的镰刀把柄,奋力向上拔起,“丝丝”的声音不绝,这厄运在灼烧罗林的身体,罗林吃痛呜呜惨叫,而我则全力想上提起镰刀,终于“噗嗤”一声,厄运已经离开了罗林的身体,上面血迹斑斑,惨不忍睹。 正在这时,身后一声巨响,李牧、王翦接近神器绝望的那一刻,一道道雷电肆虐开来,两个人几乎一起跪倒在地,就那么挂了,李牧睁大眼睛:“怎么……怎么了!?” 罗林抬头看去,眼里带着愤怒:“糟了,他们的身躯承受不了神器的反噬,必须有剑圣之体的人才能不能神器反噬……” 我咬牙切齿,身后,凌寒飞扑而来,怒吼道:“找死,你们这些蝼蚁也敢亵渎神器?!” 我急忙横起厄运镰刀在胸前,凌寒满含力量的一拳就那么轰在了镰刀的把柄上,“铿”一声金石交鸣,我被震得连续后退,凌寒一样后退了一步,看来这神器的力量倒是真的不差,但是凌寒单手一张,厄运便已经脱手而飞,不是我的东西,就终究不是我的。 罗林缓缓的站起身,全身满是重伤,一瘸一拐的走向了神器绝望,口中喃喃道:“只要……只要手握神器,就……就可以拯救大陆了,我……我不能死在这里……” …… “想染指绝望?做梦去吧!” 凌寒冷笑着,手握厄运,正要移动,猛然间双足间一条冰色巨龙盘旋而起,直接钳制住了他,山坡下,流霜一步一步的走了上来,一身伤痕,五指张开,咬着银牙道:“无论如何……无论如何也要为罗林争取一些时间,一点点就够了……” 她几乎是以哀求的口吻对我说着,我点点头,紧握双剑。 “冰龙破海!” 流霜五指一收,冰龙肆虐在凌寒周围,将这个强悍的异魔君王身体席卷,一片片战甲被撕碎,身上也能看到一道道的伤痕了,流霜这一击着实的是伤到了凌寒了。 “吼……” 低吼声中,凌寒的脸上罩上一层血色光芒,愤怒得无以复加,提着镰刀就冲向了流霜,而流霜站立在原地没有动弹,红唇轻启:“冰极!” “嘭!” 以流霜为中心波荡开一层冰霜,直接冰冻住了凌寒的双足,但这个BOSS的强悍程度远远超过我们的想象,发力震碎了冰块,再度擎着镰刀冲向了流霜。 流霜的美目中带着决然,举起斩华剑,娇喝一声:“神羽盾!” “刷刷……” 一道道冰霜力量汇聚成一面剔透的盾牌,并且冰华凝聚成了羽毛状,盘旋在盾牌周围,十分璀璨华丽,然而,凌寒挥舞镰刀就是愤怒一击,“嘭嘭嘭”连续三次轰砸在神羽盾上,终于,这美丽的盾牌瞬间崩碎,同时流霜口吐鲜血后退,直接跪坐在地上,斩华剑拄在青岩之上,她体内的斗气几乎已经被耗尽了。 “去死!” 凌寒怒吼一声,镰刀掠向了流霜颀长雪白的脖颈。 我看得心跳都快停了,张手就是一次龙须钩效果,“嗖”的龙锥飞出,直接穿透了凌寒的胸口战铠,往回一收,硬生生的把BOSS给拉停了,但是接下来承受的就是凌寒猛然一手抓住龙须,发力拉扯,跟君王级拼力量是稳输的,我身体失衡,直接就被甩了出去! “嘭!” 重重撞击在山体之上,口吐鲜血,凌寒却玩得极为开心:“蠢货,你这种雕虫小技怎奈何得了本君,简直可笑……” …… “不要啊……” 看着我被凌寒肆虐得在山脉之间来回撞击,流霜跪坐在地,无能为力,眼泪恍若珍珠般滚滚而下。 由于叶子在厦门参加老湿的婚礼,码字受到影响,所以30-1号三天每天一更,在中午12点,希望谅解。
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