第六百一十四章魂殿再现 纤细玉手就犹如是直接从虚空中探出来一般,没有引起任何波动,看似柔弱无力,可却是将那蕴含着极为强猛力量的锁链握得丝毫动 terjemahan - 第六百一十四章魂殿再现 纤细玉手就犹如是直接从虚空中探出来一般,没有引起任何波动,看似柔弱无力,可却是将那蕴含着极为强猛力量的锁链握得丝毫动 Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

第六百一十四章魂殿再现 纤细玉手就犹如是直接从虚空中探出来一般,没有引










































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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
No. 614 Chapter House of the soul again Slender hands as if it were directly out from the void, and does not cause any fluctuations, seems weak, but it is the that contains the extremely strong chains of fierce power grip does not move. Unexpected help and make all humans are startled down, eyes down that perfect hand slowly shifted, and finally a charming body sexy hot, has a near-perfect sexy face beauty, appears in the road along the line of sight. Demon! This is the except face always ice cold of woman give others of first eye feel, cool and enchanting of combined, makes have she has has a on men has extremely deep of strange temptation, white Chin slightly yan out pointed pointed radian, makes she was upper and lower are is full with a to hide of proud meaning, this proud, is not unusual woman of arrogance, but one does has with very high status of woman by show out of distinguished proud. Attract men, it is this arrogant, increasingly proud and noble woman, to push it to that in an instant, will make people hold unparalleled satisfaction and, of course, if it is in a State of some confusion, perhaps the satisfaction decreases a lot, such as Xiao Yan And people were found shot intercepted a chain attack people, should be considered when such an enchanting beauty, an astonishment is a good, but shocked dismay, there can be no one is saying, from her earlier appearance of the bizarre way, the strength I'm afraid anyone stronger than here. Sharp iron chain sharp and stays in the position from Xiao Yan foreheads one inch long, dull on the infiltration of cold mountain, which is suffused with tiny goose bumps all over, he can think of, if the intercepted at night twinkling, I am afraid that my head would have to fall to the ground like a watermelon, burst into countless flap with a bang. Eyes stared in the eyes of the dead countless times larger cable tip, Xiao Yan throat hard roll, head slightly difficult, Medusa Queen immediately is that cold cheek appeared in their eyes. "You" mouth moved, Xiao Yan thought that shots saved himself, would be the day to kill Medusa Queen of her own, after that, something of themselves complicated feelings for her? On in Xiao Yan heart flip with idea Shi, that beauty Madame Tussauds Queen is is even eyes are didn't turned about, free of addition a only hand backhand a Palm, is without kind of took in Xiao Yan chest on, a unit vigorously directly is let have which that spent of body earthquake have backward urgent back has more than 10 step, last finally is a ass sat pour in to, rather of mess. Sank down to the ground, Xiao Yan clutching his chest cough a few times, that bloody woman, trying to do? To save him, and treating him so unkindly, earlier the Palm more vigorously, was able to beat him to death, I'm afraid. “不过可惜,就差一点就能把那个混蛋给杀了!”目光转向那躺在地上还残留着一口气的韩枫,萧炎在心中惋惜的道,现在的他,也是彻底的精疲力尽,虽说只要再拿尺子拍那家伙一记就能把他给彻底击杀,但此刻的他,却是连站起来的力气都是没有了。 在萧炎那无限惋惜的目光之下,那抓住铁链的美杜莎女王,却是突然的低头瞥了一眼地面上不知死活的韩枫,黛眉微微皱了皱,似是有些厌恶一个男人与她如今接近,旋即在无数道目光的注视下,抬起修长圆润的**,一脚重重的踢向韩枫腰腹之处。 看似随意的一踢,可在挥动时,脚尖尖锐的劲风却是直接在地面上砸出了一个不小的坑洞,显然,这一脚别说是重伤状态的韩枫挨上,就算是换个其他活蹦乱跳的斗皇强者,怕都不会好受到那里去。 **挥动霎那,整片平原上都是陷入了诡异的安静。 “嘭!” 纤细玉脚在无数道目瞪口呆的目光中,结结实实的印在韩枫腰间,可怕的力量在此刻犹如潮水般暴涌而出,旋即,众人便是看见,韩枫的身体,在一道低沉闷响中,被一脚踢上半空,最后在天空上划起一道抛物线,轰然落地,而且落地时,正好落在一处巨石之上,骨骼崩裂的声音,在安静的平原上分外刺耳。 At this moment, almost all of them believe that, even if she is the reincarnation of Jack Bauer really it would be hard to save life. "Okay!" Good fucking handsome foot! ” Sat slumped in Xiao Yan, is stunned looking Medusa Queen of the sudden move, when Han Feng heavy hit on a Boulder, he came back to my mind, a burst of ecstatic faces, the slap shot on the ground, his face flushed, even could not help but excited, burst a rude joke called. However that rude voice just falls, pair cold bright of eye is as sword like of suddenly shot to, let have Xiao Yan moments closed has mouth, tried laugh has laugh, ass not with traces of towards behind moved has moved, fear that killing as killed chicken of Queen Majesty also rushed came to he a feet, to he now of State, if got Shang a feet words, I'm afraid next not than ' good Shang how many. Outside the plain, whether Pointe-Noire region or the inner courtyard of the people, also is used to shut down completely at this point, who would have thought, that rampage Pointe-Noire region top the strong, one foot kick dead turned out to be a woman? This seems to be a little too funny right? The sky in the distance, Su Qian eyes tightly watched Medusa, others see it, he is able to detect, prior to the latter's foot appears to be free to play, but it is real contains some murderous, obviously, that she ' a foot, not want to clear the area of ideas, I am afraid I still really wanted to kill her. "Is she and she also has a bone? Why can you never heard of Pointe-Noire region, this strong? "Su Qianzai heart murmurs of doubt. "Jie Jie, never thought, ' this guy is finally going to die at the hands of a woman, this cowardly way to die out, really was hilarious. "Shrill laughter again, since the variable extension of the black mist in the distance out, immediately slammed a wave of black fog, a strange dark energies out of storm surge along the chain to Medusa Queen swept away. To look cool and looked at the storm surge of black energy, Medusa's hands tremble, colorful energy is also a steady flow of gushing, last in the chain Center, have collided with that dark energy came, a fierce wind ripples, since the outbreak of the contact point out all the grass on the plains near the ground mulch. However, while experiencing such strong wind blast, but the chain is not the slightest sign of fracture, apparently this thing should not be an unusual thing. "Crash! ” Wind blast, Medusa Queen's fierce grip, in a wave of clever punch, black chains are suddenly turned right into a blurry black line, facing the black mist in the distance suddenly and violently shot away. "Dismiss! ” Black chain straight through the black mist is one of rapid fluctuations of black fog up, good for a short time, that raspy voice was somewhat gloomy out: "who the hell are you? Dare me "the Temple of the soul" thing! ” "His life, and it's mine, and others not eligible to receive. "Beautiful eyes staring at the black mist in the distance, Medusa Queen of light:" if I one day kill him, his body can be referred to you, but for now, but it is not. ” “嘿,好狂的话,这么多年敢与我“魂殿”这般说话的人,你可还是第一个!” “滚吧,你今天没机会下手的。”美杜莎女王理也不理,声音依旧那般冰冷与不客气,先前的短暂交手,她已经对对方实力有着一些了解,若非是对方能量的确有着几分古怪的话,她早就动手将之击杀,哪还会这么多废话。 “桀桀,好狂的女人,今天我的确运气不顺,不过我的任务却并非击杀那小子,我只要确定药尘的灵魂体在他身上,那便足够了!而且,借你之力,我也并非是没有实质收获。”黑雾中传来道道怪笑,旋即雾气涌动,身形猛然闪掠,几个呼吸间,便是出现在了那失去了气息的韩枫尸体处,桀桀一声怪笑,一股异样吸力暴涌而出,而随着那股吸力浮现,一个略微有些透明的灵魂体,缓缓自韩枫体内升腾而出,最后被吸纳进入黑雾之中,消失不见。 “啧啧,六品炼药师的灵魂,这次收获可真不小啊。”将韩枫灵魂收进黑雾,那难听的声音带着一丝满意的响起,旋即黑雾涌动,远处的萧炎能够察觉到,那里的一对目光,扫向了自己。 “小子,就让药尘的灵魂再在你身上呆一段时间吧,到时候,我“魂殿”会来收取的,桀桀” 望着那团漂浮不定的诡异黑雾,萧炎脸色略微有些阴沉,终于被这个神秘的组织盯上了啊 “享受你最后的时光吧,桀桀,到时候,就算是这个女人,怕都庇护不了你!”怪笑声时近时远的响起,而那团黑雾,则是犹如鬼魅般,几个闪烁间,便是在无数道目光注视下,消失在平原深处 眼睛望着那消失在遥远之处的模糊黑雾,萧炎突然咬着牙站起身来,步伐踉跄的来到韩枫尸体处,手掌贴着后者皮肤,片刻后,脸色顿时一沉:“该死的,海心焰也随着灵魂被带走了!” 恨恨的咬了咬牙,萧炎眼睛却是瞥到韩枫手指上的那枚深蓝色的纳上,其上闪烁的幽幽蓝芒,显示这枚纳与寻常低阶纳的区别。
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
Six hundred and fourteenth chapter reproduced soul of the house is like a slender hand probe directly out from the void in general, it did not cause any volatility, seemingly weak and weak, but were made ​​to fury that contains a very powerful grip chains slightest move can not. Unexpected helping hand, so that was also startled everyone is down, eyes shift slowly down that perfect real estate broker, last Jiaoqu enchanting hot, with a flirtatious cheek a near-perfect beauty, appeared in that round after round line of sight. Demon! This is in addition to the face of a woman is always freezing cold at first glance give the feeling of others, combining glamorous and enchanting, so too has the kind of man she has a profound strange temptation white pointy chin protrudes slightly Yan radians, so she covered are filled with a difficult to conceal the proud Italian, this proud, arrogant woman is not unusual, but one does have a very high status of women has shown throughout this honorable pride. And to attract men, then it is this wipe arrogant, proud and honorable for increasingly women, which was pushed to that Yi Sha, all will make people hold unparalleled sense of satisfaction, of course, if in some kind of consciousness unclear status, perhaps this will reduce the satisfaction of many, such as the original Xiao Yan and when people find that shot to intercept chain attack people, even when the case will be a big Enchanting beauty, all is well while stunned, but stunned return stunned, who are present can not Yongshou, from her previous appearances strange way, the strength is probably stronger than anyone here. Sharp sharp edge at the cable, stay in position from Xiao Yan forehead inch long, which penetrated the faint Hanmang out, so that was suffused with the latter covered in tiny goose bumps, he can think, if that interception and then in the evening twinkling, I am afraid his head would have to fall to the ground with watermelon-like, bang bang burst into numerous lobes. Staring eyes tightly that the eye pupil magnified countless times of cable tip, Xiao Yan throat rolling a bit hard, tough slight migraine, immediately Medusa queen goes cold cheek is present in its eyes . "You" mouth moved, Xiao Yan think of this attempt to save their own, actually is this all day to kill his own Medusa Majesty, do after that afterwards, she really has Diansha own complex emotions it? Xiao Yan in mind when flipping the idea that the Queen Medusa is not even the eyes to rotate at idle another backhand beat a real estate broker, is unceremoniously shot in the chest Xiao Yan, an Vigorously direct is to get the latter's body shook that falter Jitui ten steps backwards, and finally a butt Zuodao the ground, quite embarrassed. Zuodao a butt on the ground, clutching his chest straining Xiao Yan cough a few times, this damn woman, actually want to do ah? But also to save him, and to him so bluntly, if more vigorously that beat the previous point, I'm afraid you can direct shot him dead. "But unfortunately, it is almost able to kill the bastard!" He turned it lying on the ground still remained a breath of Han Feng, Xiao Yan Road in the heart of regret, and now he is completely fine fatigue strength do, although as long as a chance to shoot the guy a note ruler will be able to completely kill him, but at the moment he is not even the strength to stand up are gone. Xiao Yan was under the eyes of the infinite regret, that seize the chains Medusa queen, but it is on the ground suddenly glanced down act recklessly Han Feng, Dai Mei slightly wrinkled, seems a somewhat disgusted man with her ​​now approaching, and soon at numerous road gaze, lifted slender rounded ** heavy foot kicked Han Feng waist place. A seemingly random kick in when swinging, toes pointed breeze is directly on the ground, punched a big potholes, obviously, this is not to mention Han Feng injured foot state finish the long march, even if Other jump is another strong imperial struggle, fear not good being there. ** Waving instant, the whole plains are caught in a strange quiet. "Bang!" delicate jade foot in numerous road stunned eyes, solidly printed on the waist Han Feng, terrible power at the moment like a flood storm Chung out, soon, everyone is seeing, Han Feng's body In a deep muffled, and was kicked off the roof, and finally draw a parabola starting in the sky, crashing landing, and landing, right on top of a rock, the bones cracked voice, in the quiet of the plains exceptionally harsh. At this moment, almost everyone believes, even if Han Feng Xiaoqiang really is reincarnation, I am afraid it is difficult then save this life. "Good! Good fuckin kick handsome!" slumped Xiao Yan, also looked stunned Queen Medusa this sudden move, to be too heavy and that Han Feng hit the rock when he returned this to God, ecstasy emerged in the face, a slap shot fiercely on the ground, his face reddened, and even could not help but their excitement, burst sentence rude nickname curse. But that sounds rude just fallen, one pair of eyes is cold and bright as a sword-like suddenly shot to get Xiao Yan instantly shut his mouth, Samsam smiled, and shifted towards the back ass implied, for fear That murder such as the slaughter of chickens Majesty also rushing to his foot, to his current state, if finish the long march kicked, I am afraid will not end up much better than the Han Feng. Plain outside, whether it is black angle domain or within the hospital who are all completely misfiring at the moment, no one thought that rampant strong peak Noire domain, even by foot to kick a dead woman? That this seems too funny, right? The distant sky, the Soviet Union thousands of watching eyes tightly Medusa, others do not see, he is able to detect, previously the latter appears to be random kick a kick, but the implication is truly a little murderous, Obviously, she's that kick Han Feng, it was not in the idea want to clean up the site, but I am afraid that really is trying to kill Han Feng. "Does she have any grudges and Han Feng? Why never heard Noire strong field has this number?" Doubts in the minds of the Soviet Union thousands muttered. "Jie Jie, I did not expect, Han Feng, this guy turned out to be dead in the hands of a woman, it useless to die if spread out, really is to ridiculous ah." Strange shrill laughter, again from a distance that group Black Mist indefinite stretch came, immediately burst Mist fierce volatility, an unusual storm surge out of the dark energy, along the chain against Medusa queen swept away. Cold eyes looked at the storm surge from the black energy, real estate broker Medusa flick, colorful is a steady stream of energy pouring, the last in the central part of the chain, and that the black energy crashing collide, a breeze ripples Kuangmeng , since the contact point broke out, the grass on the plains near the ground exhaustively minced. However, although experience so tyrannical winds explosion, but that the chain is not the slightest sign of breaking, obviously this thing should not be an unusual thing. "Crash!" winds explosion, Medusa Queen fierce let go, in an ingenious chewy, the black chain is suddenly turned, and soon turned into a fuzzy black line, facing the distant cloud of black fog and Baoshe go with. ! "Laugh" black chain ripped straight black fog that group, so that was also a blanket of darkness rapid fluctuations up after a good moment, the cacophony just came with a little gloomy:? "Who are you dare me alone ! "soul of the house," the thing " ". His life is mine, and others not eligible to receive" Meimou gazing distance that group Black Mist, Medusa Queen faint: "If I someday kill His words, his body may be handed over to you, but now, it is not. " " Hey, good crazy, then, for so many years and I'm "soul of the house" so to speak in person, you can still the first one! " "Get it, you have no chance today to start with." Queen Medusa Liyebuli, voice still is so cold and rude, the previous short fight, she has the strength of the other side has some understanding, if not the other party does have energy a bit odd, then, would it kill her long hands, which will be so much nonsense. "Jie Jie, a good mad woman, and today I did not ring true luck, but my mission was not to kill that guy, I just make sure the medicine of the soul the dust of the body on him, it would be enough! And, by the force of your I is not no real gain. "Black Mist doing all came round after round, immediately surging fog, stature suddenly Shanlue, some breathing room, that is present in the atmosphere of that lost corpse at the Han Feng, Jie Jie doing all soon, an unusual attraction storm Chung out, and with that kind of suction surface, a slightly transparent soul body, slowly rising out of the body from Han Feng, was finally being absorbed into the blanket of darkness, disappear. "Gee, six refining pharmacist soul, the harvest Big deal ah." Han Feng soul will be incorporated into the blanket of darkness, with a trace of that nasty voice sounded satisfied, immediately surging Black Mist, distant Shaw Yan able to detect where a pair of eyes, down the the himself. "Boy, let the dust soul medicine again in your body for a few days now, that time, I" soul of the house "will be charged, Jie Jie" looked at the blanket of darkness strange group adrift, Xiao Yan face slightly dark, this mysterious organization has finally been eyeing ah "Enjoy your last moments of it, Jie Jie, that time, even if this woman can not get asylum for fear you!" sounded distant past when strange laughter, and that group Black Mist, it is like a ghostly, among a few flashes, it is in the eyes of numerous road and disappeared in the depths of the plains that disappear blurred eyes looking in the distance at the blanket of darkness, Xiao Yan suddenly teeth station got up and staggered to the pace at Han Feng body, palms close to the skin which, after a moment, his face suddenly sank: "! Damn, Hoi Yan was taken away along with the soul" bitterly bitten teeth, Xiao Yan eyes are on rocket glimpse deep blue Carolina Han Feng fingers thereon Lanmang faint flicker, show the difference between low-level While satisfied with the ordinary satisfied.

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Hasil (Inggris) 3:[Salinan]
The 614 chapter soul Temple reproduction

slender jade like directly from the void in explore out, did not cause any fluctuations, seemingly weak, but will that contains a very strong power of the chain holding the slightest move not get.

all of a sudden a helping hand, but also make everyone is startled down, looking down the perfect real estate broker slowly transfer, finally a Jiao Qu enchanting Huopu with a near perfect flirtatious face beauty, in that a road sight.


This is the in addition to face always chill women give others at first glance feeling, elegant and enchanting combination,

increasingly distinguished strange that she has a kind of man has a very profound temptation, white chin slightly Yan pointed out radian, made her whole body is filled with a kind of difficult to conceal the pride, the pride, not an ordinary woman's arrogance, but one does have a very high position of women show out of pride.

and attract men, it is this to wipe the pride, the pride and dignity of women, the push to the instant, will let people hold an unparalleled sense of satisfaction, of course, if in a delirious state, perhaps this satisfaction will reduce many, for example, the original XiaoyanLike watermelon intercept iron chain and public people found that shot stopped chain attack, unexpectedly is so enchanting beauty, all is good a fright, but stunned return fright, the presence of no who is commonplace hand from her previous appearance of bizarre way, strength is probably than where anyone is stronger.

sharp pointed blade and stay at a distance of Xiaoyan forehead a inch long position, the faint penetration and Hanmang, make the whole body is suffused with tiny bumps, he can think, if the night and twinkling of an eye, I'm afraid their head and fell to the ground bang a loud burst into numerous flap.

Took the palm of complex emotion of Medusa slant slightly enlarge pupil eyes tightly stare at it in countless times of cable tip, Xiaoyan throat hard roll, tough, soon after the Medusa, the queen of the ice cold cheeks appear in the eyes.

"you" mouth move, Xiaoyan think this shot to save their own, actually is the day to kill their own queen, do after the incident, she really to oneself have what?

in Xiaoyan heart flip a idea, the Medusa, the queen is even the eyes are not turning, idle also a real estate broker backhand was no polite Xiaoyan chest above.If in a unit vigorously directly let the levers of the shock of physical back urgently back ten steps, finally is a bottom Zuodao, quite embarrassed.

a ass sat down on the ground, Xiaoyan clutching his chest tried to cough several voices, this damn woman, even want to do what? But also save him, for he is so unkind, previously the palm vigorously again, probably will be able to directly take he died.

"but unfortunately, almost can put that son of a bitch killed!" look to the lying on the ground still left with a sigh of relief of Han Feng, Xiaoyan in the hearts of regret, and now he is completely exhausted.Han Feng eyes, although just to take a ruler took that guy can remember him to completely kill, but at the moment, he is even stand up strength is not.

in Xiaoyan the infinite regret, that grasp the chain of Medusa queen, but is suddenly lowered the head pie the eye ground act recklessly, the Dai eyebrow is tiny wrinkly wrinkly, like some dislike a man and she is now almost immediately in countless eyes gaze, raised his slender round * *, one foot heavy kick to Han Feng waist.

seemingly random a kick in when wielding, tiptoe sharp breeze is directly on the ground hit a small pothole.
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