第二十二章 四眼猫鹰弗兰德(一)所属目录:史莱克七怪 发布时间:2012-02-27 作者:唐家三少   唐三和小舞都有些发愣,两人的眼神都 terjemahan - 第二十二章 四眼猫鹰弗兰德(一)所属目录:史莱克七怪 发布时间:2012-02-27 作者:唐家三少   唐三和小舞都有些发愣,两人的眼神都 Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

第二十二章 四眼猫鹰弗兰德(一)所属目录:史莱克七怪 发布时间:201

第二十二章 四眼猫鹰弗兰德(一)
所属目录:史莱克七怪 发布时间:2012-02-27 作者:唐家三少

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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
第二十二章 四眼猫鹰弗兰德(一)所属目录:史莱克七怪 发布时间:2012-02-27 作者:唐家三少 唐三和小舞都有些发愣,两人的眼神都变得极为怪异。虽然唐三对变异武魂也算是有不少的了解,但像马红俊这样的,却还是第一次听说。眼前这个胖子如果年纪和他们差不多的话,应该才十二岁。一个十二岁的少年,居然需要找女人来让自己的武魂不至于反噬,这也太骇人听闻了。 戴沐白继续道:“所以,这个家伙就会经常欲火焚身,不发泄发泄,他早就死了。尽管他的武魂自身很强大,但这欲火也不是那么好修炼的。” 小舞皱眉道:“可是,也不能祸害人家女孩子吧。那是流氓行为。” 马红俊怒道:“什么叫祸害,我们那是你情我愿,我胖子虽然欲望强了点。但我从来没有勉强过谁,我们都是你情我愿的,我可不是流氓。” 唐三看向戴沐白。 戴沐白点了点头,道:“这确实是的,胖子从不勉强别人。刚才那翠花姑娘也确实是他女朋友。” 小舞哼了一声,“不勉强别人?那为什么人家要和他分手?” 胖子的脸红了,戴沐白的脸色也变得尴尬起来。 戴沐白咳嗽一声,尴尬的道:“因为,这家伙邪火压不住的时候太多。想忍受他每天所要三、四次,也不是一般女孩子能做到的。所以,他来学院这一年,已经换了几个女朋友,最后结果却无一例外的,都是把他甩了。要不是他有着魂师的身份,恐怕找女朋友都费劲。说起来,在那方面的能力,恐怕还真没有几个人比的上这个胖子。他那邪火草鸡的绰号就是这么来的。” 马红俊没好气的纠正道:“是邪火凤凰。” 唐三目瞪口呆的道:“不愧是怪物学院。连这样变异的武魂居然也有。” 小舞的脸有些红了,轻啐一声,“真是什么人都有。” 马红俊瞪视着戴沐白,道:“我要是像你和小奥那样,也长了一张婊子脸,能同时交往多个女朋友,何至于如此?你就不用妄自菲薄了,别以为我不知道你一天赶三场,和不同女孩子约会的事。” 戴沐白邪眸光芒连闪,有些匆忙似的朝身后看了看,压低声音,道:“胖子,饭可以乱吃,话可不能乱说。你给我小点声。” 马红俊嘿嘿一笑,道:“你不是一向不以为耻反以为荣么?今天这是怎么了?吃错药了?” 戴沐白瞪了他一眼,“少废话,有些话是不能乱说的,再败坏我名声,可别怪我对你不客气。” 唐三忍不住道:“马红俊,那你现在没有女朋友了,以后怎么办?停止修炼么?” 马红俊耸了耸肩,道:“还能怎么办?小命最重要,回头问问院长,看他有什么办法吧。” 小舞道:“学院在什么地方吃饭,我都要饿死了。” 戴沐白道:“你们跟我来吧。” 四人重新回到史莱克学院的范围内,戴沐白带着他们来到了学院食堂。 所谓的食堂,其实只是学院和这个村子的协议而已,聘请了几名村民负责大家的伙食。早点虽然简单了一些,但胜在量足,吃饱是没问题的。 他们来到食堂的时候,宁荣荣和冰冷少女朱竹清也已经来了。朱竹清看上去除了脸色苍白一些以外,似乎已经没有了什么不妥。 或许是因为昨日联手的缘故,二女看到唐三和小舞,都向他们点了点头。朱竹清还冷淡一些,但宁荣荣的神色却明显有亲近之意,微笑中脸上露出两个梨涡,看上去分外可人。 马红俊眼睛有些发直的看着二女,毫不掩饰的吞咽了一口唾液。 戴沐白用手肘撞了他一下,低声道:“你老实点,最好把邪火压住了。” 马红俊怒道:“为什么?难道你又要下手。我说,戴老大,就算你是老大,也总要给兄弟们留点汤喝吧。” 戴沐白又撞了他一下,偷眼向朱竹清看去,朱竹清似乎并没有注意到他们这边,缓慢的吃着早饭,脸色却依旧是冰冷的样子。 小舞挨着宁荣荣坐了下来,低笑着和她说着什么,从宁荣荣看向马红俊那有些诧异的眼神,马红俊也知道她们在谈论自己了。顿时有些泄气的坐了下来,拿着桌子上的早点发泄。 戴沐白咳嗽一声,道:“小奥这家伙又睡懒觉了。他总是那么懒惰。除了小奥,我看大家也到齐了,以后一段时间,大家都要在一起生活、学习,我们彼此相互认识一下吧。我给你们介绍,这个胖子就是我们学院的另一个学员,叫马红俊,武魂是草、哦,不,是凤凰。” 听到凤凰二字的时候,朱竹清抬了抬头,但也只是看了马红俊一眼而已,目光从戴沐白身上掠过时,似乎更增添了几分寒意。 马红俊道:“对了,戴老大,听说新来的学员昨天让赵老师吃了不小的亏,是谁啊?” 戴沐白道:“你刚才已经和他交过手了。不过,你是幸运的,没有遭遇和赵老师一样的待遇。”一边说着,抬手指了指唐三。 马红俊有些不可思议的看着唐三,“不对啊,你的魂力虽然比我强点,但似乎也高不了太多,应该不到三十级吧。怎么可能让赵老师吃亏,他可是七十六级魂圣,我不信。
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
Chapter Twenty four cats eagle Flanders (a)
Contents: Shrek seven strange Published: 2012-02-27 Author: Tang three little Tang 3 and the small dance are some in a daze, the two eyes have become very strange. Although Tang three pairs Wuhun variation can be considered a lot of understanding, but like Ma Hong-jun this, but is the first time I heard. Just this fat if they are about the same age and it should only twelve years old. A twelve-year-old boy, but still need to find a woman to make their own Wuhun will not bite, it is quite appalling. Dai Mu Bai continued:. ". So, this guy will often horny, do not vent to vent, he would have died even though his own Wuhun very powerful, but it is not so desires good practice" small dance frown:. "However, it can not be the scourge of others girl that hooliganism." Ma Hong-jun angrily:. "What is evil, we wish that you love me, I'm fat though strong desire to point but I never forced anyone and we are all I wish you love, and I'm not a rogue. " Tang looked at Dai Bai Mu. Mu Bai Dai nodded and said: "This is really, the fat that just never force others Cuihua girl is indeed his girlfriend.." small dance snorted, "Do not force others people want and why? He broke up? " fat man blushed, Dai Mu Bai face became embarrassed. Dai Mu Bai coughed, embarrassed and said:. "Because this guy too much Xiehuo hid him every day when I wanted to stand to be three or four times, nor is it an ordinary girl can do so, he came to college. This year, already for a few girlfriends, but the final outcome, without exception, are dumped him. Either he has a soul of the division of identity, are struggling to find a girlfriend, I am afraid. Say, in that regard ability, I am afraid really no more than a few people on the fat Xiehuo Caoji his nickname that way. ". Ma Hong-jun correct snappily said: "Yes Xiehuo Phoenix." Tang stunned and said: "worthy Monster college WuHun even this variation could have a. " small dance face some red, light spit loudly, "It's what people have." Ma Hong-jun staring Dai Mu Bai, said: "If I like you and O'Neal as also long a bitch face, can simultaneously contact multiple girlfriends, where as so? You do not have to sell ourselves short, do not think I do not know the day you catch three games, dating girls, and different things. " Dai Mu Bai evil eye light chain lightning, like North Korea behind some hastily looked, low voice, said:. ". fat, rice can you eat, if you can not talk nonsense to me your voice down," Ma Hong-jun Hey smile : "You do not always not ashamed anti-thought-wing today this is how it eating you up???" Dai Mu Bai glared at him, "Enough talk, can not utter some words, and then ruin my reputation, I can not blame you're welcome. " Tang could not resist: "Ma Hong-jun, you do not have a girlfriend, and later how to do to stop practicing it"?? Ma Hong-jun shrugged and said: "? how can I do the most important little life , go back and ask the President, to see what he means it. " little dance and said:. "college somewhere to eat, I have to starve to death," Dai Mu Bai said:. "You come with me," the four re-back within the range of Shrek College, Dai Bai Mu take them to the college canteen. The so-called canteens, schools and the village is only a protocol only, hired several villagers responsible for everyone's meals. Breakfast is simple some, but wins in the full amount, enough to be no problem. When they came to the canteen, Ning Rongrong and ice maiden ZhuZhuQing has come. ZhuZhuQing looks pale in addition to a number other than what seems to have no wrong. Perhaps the reason is because yesterday together, two women saw Tang 3 and the small dance, both to them and nodded. ZhuZhuQing still cold, but the look of Ning Rongrong was obviously close to the meaning of a smile in his face showing two pear vortex, looks exceptionally pleasant. Ma Hong-jun some eyes looked straight ahead and two women, made ​​no secret of swallowing a mouthful of saliva. Dai Mu Bai hit him with his elbow, and whispered:. "You behave yourself, it is best to suppress Xiehuo" Ma Hong-jun angrily: "Why do not you have to start with me, wearing boss, even?. you are the boss, there are always give the brothers leave soup drink. " Dai Mu Bai and hit him again, and steal to ZhuZhuQing looked ZhuZhuQing did not seem to notice them here, slowly eating breakfast, but his face It is still a cold look. Small dance next to NingRongRong sat down, smiled and low what she said, from Ning Rongrong Ma Hong-jun was somewhat surprised to see the eyes, Ma Hong-jun also know that they are talking about yourself. Suddenly a little discouraged and sat down, took early vent on the table. Mu Bai Dai cough, said:. "O'Neal this guy is always so lazy he sleep in addition to O'Neal, I think we all in attendance, after some time, we all have to live together, learn, our mutual each other know about it. I give you introduction, the fat is another student of our college, called Ma Hong-jun, Wu Hun grass, oh, no, the Phoenix. " Phoenix hear the word when ZhuZhuQing lift the rise, but Ma Hong-jun only saw one only, gaze upon passing from Dai Mu Bai, it seems adding a little chill. Ma Hong-jun said: "Yes, wearing boss, I heard yesterday the new student teacher Zhao eat no small loss, Who is that?" Dai Mu Bai:. "You've just played against him, but, you was lucky, and Zhao did not suffer the same treatment. "He spoke, raising his hand pointed to Tang. Ma Hong-jun Tang looked weird, "No, ah, your soul force strengths than I though, but it seems not too high, it should be less than thirty. How could Mr. Zhao suffer, but he seventy six holy soul, I do not believe.

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Hasil (Inggris) 3:[Salinan]
Chapter 22 eyes 4 猫 鹰 Frank 兰 de (a)) 属 of 录: History, 莱 7 strange 发 cloth 时 间: 2012-02-27 Author: Tang 3 less) to the Tang 3) and the small dance are some 发 distracted, 两 human eyes are 变 极 为 a strange 异. 虽 so Tang 3 对 变 异 armed soul is a lot of understanding, however, like 马 红 Jun 这 样, 却 还 is the first time 说 听. Immediate 这 个 obese if 纪 and he 们 almost the 话, 应 该 岁 12. A 个 12 岁 juvenile, actually need to find woman 来 让 their weapons not to 于 soul of anti-, 这 too 骇 听 闻 people. wearing the Mu white 继 续 Road: "So, 这 个 Man on Fire 会 经 often to set fire to himself.of the 发 not 发, he has long dead. 尽 care for his own very 强 armed soul, but 这 to fire it will not be 么 Yoshinaga 炼. The 皱 small Dance" eyebrows Road: "But cannot 祸 harm people girls. It was hooligans 为 line. The 红" 马 Jun anger: "么 called 祸 harm, I 们 愿 that is what you love me, I fat 虽 so desire the 点 强. But I 从 来 没 have Myun 强 过 谁, I 们 you are in your feelings I 愿, I am not rogue. Tang 3" to see the Dai Mu white. The white 点 Dai mu of 点 头,: "The 这 确 实 is overweight 从 not Myun 强 别. The only 刚 Flower Girl also 确 实 is his girlfriend. The dance" small Humph. A 声."Not Myun 强 别? The 为 President George W. Bush 么 they want broke up with him? " to the 脸 红 fat to wear the 脸 Mu white color also 变 尴 a European of 来. wearing the Mu white cough a 声, 尴 European the road: "The 为, 这 fellow cult flames 压 时 cannot wait too much. Every day he would like to endure 3, 4, nor a general girls can do. Therefore, he 来 学 homes 这 a year, the 几 经 换 个 girlfriend, the most 后 结 fruit 却 无 exception, he was thrown is. If he is 着 soul in his capacity as 师, I am afraid find a girlfriend are 费 劲. 说 of 来, in that capacity, I am afraid 还 really 没 几 个 have than on the 这 个 obese.his cult flames D. 鸡 绰 号 is the 这 么 来. The 红" 马 Jun 没 good 气 纠 the right way: "is an evil fire 凤 clean. The stunned" Tang 3 The Road: "Is the worthy freak 学 homes. 连 这 样 变 异 of armed soul actually. The small Dance" the 脸 some 红, 轻 Ecod a 声, "is true 么 people. The 红 Chun 马" in fact 视 着 Dai Mu White, road: "If I like you and small 奥 that 样, also a 张 长 whore 脸 to join 时 more exchanges 个 girlfriend, Ho-于 so? You don't timid, 别 to 为 I do not know you a day 3 赶 场, and different girls 约 会. " the evil eyes Dai Mu white light 连 闪.Some hasty like 后 toward being looked at, 压 low 声 sound, “overweight, 饭 乱 can eat, 话 could not be 乱 说. You 给 I small 点 声. " the
马 红 Jun laughter a smile, "Do you not always not to 为 耻 anti-to 为 荣 么? Today is how 么 这? 错 药 eat? The White" Dai Mu indeed his eyes, "less 废 话, some 话 cannot be 乱 说, 败 坏 声 my name may blame me 别 对 you are not away 气. The 3 Tang" could not resist Road: "马 红 Jun, then you 现 没 in a girlfriend, the 后 how 么 办? Stop 炼 repair 么? The 红 Chun 马" the 耸 耸 shoulders, road: "还 to how 么 办? Small life's most important, back to 头 问 长 问 homes.He's a 么 办 law. The road" small dance: "学 homes the 么 local eat 饭, I have to 饿 died. The White" Dai Mu Road: "You 们 来 with me. The people" 4 莱 history back to the House 学, Fan 围 内, Dai Mu white 带 着 he 们 来 to the 学 homes canteens. In the 谓 canteens, its 实 只 学 is homes and 这 个 协 议 village is employed by 请 几 villagers 负 责 everyone's food. As early as 点 虽 so 简 单 some, but 胜 in quantities, eating 饱 is 没 问 题. He 们 来 to the canteen waiting 时, 宁 荣 荣 and cool girls Zhu bamboo Ching has also been 经 来. Zhu bamboo Ching looks beyond 脸 color 苍 some other than white,seems to have been 经 没 with President George W. Bush 么 wrong. Or is 许 为 yesterday by the 缘 联 hand, the 2 women see Tang 3 and small dance, to his 们 点 the 点 头. Zhu bamboo Ching 还 cold, but the 宁 荣 荣 looks 却 Ming 显 亲 have over the past, with a smile lit 脸 两 个 Lei 涡, looks in May. The 红 Chun 马 some 发 eyes have been the 着 2 see women, without mask the 饰 swallowing a saliva. Dai Mu white used the elbow hit him, the low 声 Road: "You Are 实 点, it is best to fire the 压. The 红" 马 Jun anger: "What 为 么? 难 Road you again have to start. I 说, Dai, big brother, even if you are big brothers, also 总 to 给 们 brothers remain 点 汤 drink.The White" Dai Mu and rammed him, and eye to Zhu bamboo Ching looking 并 Zhu bamboo Ching seems to be 没 have noted his 们 这 边, 缓 slow eat 着 饭 earlier, 脸 color 却 旧 is the cold 样. The next to small dance 着 宁 荣 荣 sitting of the 来, low 着 laughter and she 说 着 么 Bush, 从 宁 荣 荣 马 红 Chun to see that some 诧 异 eyes, 马 红 Jun also know she 们 谈 论 in their own. 顿 时 气 some of the sitting of the 来, on the table 着 点 发 early on. wearing the Mu white cough a 声, "We 奥 这 fellow don't sleep 懒 觉. He 总 is the 么 懒 lazy. Apart from a small 奥, I think we have to 齐, the 后 a 时 间, as we all have to live together,
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