Chapter No. 611 and a half foot in bucket ' Looked with that suddenly from ' body storm Chung and out of majestic fought, Xiao Yan face is gradually dignified, he also really didn't expected, this guy in this two years in the, was also really of will half only foot into has bucket cases level, although now just half only foot into, but any who are can know, as long as has half only foot into, so distance real arrived that level, has not far has And half a foot into, will make her far more than ordinary Emperor peak powerhouse, together with "haixinyan", I am afraid that its fighting capacity has been truly compared with strong shoulders! Faced with such a strong fighting power, even Xiao Yan power surge, but also has a lot of pressure, with the strong shoulder strength, and who is not taken lightly. "In these two years, you are the first person who can make me completely demonstrate their prowess. "Behind the temperamental wings slowly dissipated, ' foot step made void, at Xiao Yan light way, without the help of any external forces to stay empty, this is the only case a strong person to do things, to this point, in the sky above almost able to, and fight together, not only swift's reaction, will be increased by several levels. Slightly squinting eyes looking at suspending the sky ', Xiao Yan slowly sighed a sigh and said, "is just a half-foot in the bucket, it's worth the dog so arrogant? ” "At least to get to you, enough fooling" little brother "! "' Hand turn a majestic fought like real hand tossed, and faint penetration of energy, make the body space is shaken up. "Yes," Xiao Yan sneered slightly, palms, green flames suddenly rise up right hands on the cover, pull, and green flame split open into two blue invisible flame! Blue fire in your left hand, right hand holding the invisible fire, Xiao Yan looked up at that face has become extremely difficult to look ' at the moment, smiled: "you don't doubt our ISO fire I changed it? Now maybe you should have guessed it? ” "Fallen heart inflammation! "Her eyes firmly fixed on the Xiao Yan on the right hand of the invisible fire, gnashing sound, with silk air, word out of the mouth of a meal to spill out, now, the doubts in his heart, not completely clear. "You're falling you heart inflammation refinery?! "Body-filled the majestic fought intense thrashing, like her heart at the moment, after a few moments later, anger, incredible voice, just out from its mouth. "Congratulations, you guessed it," Xiao Yan eyebrows pick, faces somber as she quipped as a prelude to the storm, and hear his words, ' the face of the gloomy, but also has a sinister trend in the evolution of. "I didn't know, and really didn't think Ah, that fallen heart infection not only kills you, but you finally pick up a bargain! Your green flames, it was Ching inner fusion of fire and falling heart inflammation, no wonder it is no wonder that has broken down and I "haixinyan"! "' An angry voice, with a strong temper pressure veiled Xiao Yan "" Burn "is really a good thing Ah, Hey, once again, you let me know the value of it, so I will stop at nothing to get it! "The face has a faint touch of madness, ' arms dance:" but you have two different fire what? You can have perfect control of their power? My strength is far better than you, as long as you beat, burn, qinglian inner fire, falling heart disease, all of them will be mine! ” "Crazy if you don't have this ability. "Xiao Yan set off the corners a little arc, his eyes shone with a sardonic smile, shook his head slightly, slowly raise his right hand, at the ' right, the invisible fire rippled waves of volatility With increasing invisible flame fluctuations, that face not far from the madness of her body suddenly a quiver, majestic fought surface that quickly became out of whack, so after a few blinks, just slowly back, he was clutching his chest, eyes sullen looking at Xiao Yan: "call of fire? ” For fall heart inflammatory most let people headache of effects, even is ' is rather of dread, for that God not know go unnoticed of fire, who are can't lightly ignored, after all, human within, always are is most vulnerable and important of place, as long as which slightly by some trauma, I'm afraid is will makes have whole people State will big discount, so, in fire appeared of that an instant, ' is quickly of mobilization has large fought for suppressed. 望着韩枫体表那比先前略微黯淡了一些的磅礴斗气,萧炎笑了笑,看来那闹腾的心火也是让得韩枫费了不少心神去压制,而这样的话,心分两用的他,战斗力则是会或多或少的降低一些,这对于萧炎来说,也是一个极为不错的消息。 “凭这小小心火,也想对我造成伤害?”脸色阴寒的望着萧炎,韩枫手掌之上的那团澎湃斗气也是急速震动了起来,恐怖的能量波动渗透得越加快速,看得出来,这团澎湃斗气,是他所酝酿的一道极强的攻击! 对于那越加狂暴的斗气团,萧炎也是有所感应,当下手掌一握,一股吸力暴涌而出,将那被一股碧绿火焰包裹悬浮在半空中的玄重尺吸进手中,深吐了一口气,体内斗气,也是在此刻被其疯狂的抽取而出! 随着体内斗气暴涌而出并且源源不断的灌注进入玄重尺,漆黑的尺身也是逐渐的变成碧绿之色,而且,其上的温度,也是不断的攀升着。 斗气的灌注持续到某一刻,终于是噶然而止,而此刻的玄重尺,已经犹如一柄翡翠尺般,看上去颇为的漂亮,然而就是这把漂亮的尺子,在微微颤抖间,所泄露出来的能量,便是令得周围空间变得扭曲起来。 双手紧握尺柄,萧炎抬头望着远处的韩枫,此刻后者掌心中的那团澎湃斗气已经迸射出了刺眼强光,就犹如小型耀日般,令人不敢直视。 “小王蛋,给我去死吧!” 眼睛死死盯着手掌那团耀日般的斗气,片刻后,韩枫猛然抬头,一张脸庞,布满着狰狞疯狂,一声戾喝,手中那团犹如耀日般的磅礴斗气团,径直对着萧炎暴射而去! “光耀印!” 一道刺眼光束划破空间,隐隐间,光束中显示出一个硕大的手印,犹如那从天际掉落的耀日般,带着一股令人毛骨悚然的可怕能量! “焰分噬浪尺!” 翡翠般的玄重尺高高举过头顶,瞬间后,双臂陡然力劈而下,一道足有十丈庞大的翡翠能量尺芒,自尺顶暴射而出,那股姿态,犹如要劈裂大地一般,声势骇人! 两道皆是极其恐怖的能量,犹如闪电般的划破空间,最后在无数道震惊目光注视下,犹如两颗陨石般,狠狠的碰撞在一起! “嘭!” 接触的那一霎,可怕的雷鸣巨响与能量涟漪,犹如大海之中的惊涛骇浪般,在遥远天际之上,掀起漫天能量波浪! 整个天地,都是在此刻为之一静,能量波浪翻滚间,遮天蔽日,甚至是连那高高悬挂在天空上的耀日,都是在此刻被遮蔽了下去。 能量,在持续僵持了足足将近十分钟左右,方才逐渐消散,而那城市之中,无数人依然寂静无声,每一人脸庞上都是有着些许惊骇,若是先前那两道攻击的爆炸地是在城市中的话,恐怕这座枫城,将会在极短的时间中,被夷为平地! 这种可怕的破坏力,就算是放在斗皇巅峰强者的决战中,也都是颇难一见! 随着弥漫天际的能量涛浪缓缓消散,高空上的两人,也是缓缓的现出了身形,此时的两人,韩枫倒还稍好一些,虽然头发凌乱,呼吸有些急促,但至少没太大的能量反噬伤害,而反观萧炎,则是一脸苍白,甚至连其气息,都是在这场对碰之后减弱了许多。 看两者间的差距,似乎这次的对碰,明显是韩枫占了上风。 “哈哈,小师弟,看来你的实力并没有你的嘴皮子硬啊,怎么?这就开始斗气枯竭了?看来师兄我还是高看了你啊!”瞧得萧炎那一脸的苍白,韩枫也是一怔,旋即忍不住的大笑道。 斜瞥着仰头大笑的韩枫,萧炎的嘴角微微一撇,淡笑道:“现在就这么高兴,是不是有点时间太早了?” 瞧得依然嘴硬的萧炎,韩枫面露不屑的冷笑了一声,他能够清楚的感应到,对方的气息弱了许多,显然是在先前的对碰中受了不轻的伤,然而,其脸庞上的笑容,还未持续多久,便是在萧炎接下来的动作中一下子陷入僵硬。 远处的萧炎,手掌缓缓伸起,宽大的袖袍中,一点幽深绿芒逐渐从手中浮现,瞬间后,绿芒飞掠而出,旋即,一座仅有巴掌大小,完美得没有丝毫瑕疵的翡翠火莲,就悬浮在了萧炎的掌心之上。 "Call this thing still burn the grudge. "Gazing at the Emerald fire Lotus Flower, Xiao Yan to lift her head, blunt her face suddenly stiffened in the distance light laughed. "Seniors, with a deficit, you will eat two times, I also thought highly of you, Ah" At this moment, her face, and instantly became extremely ugly
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