第一百八十八章 大战一触即发2013-05-12 08:00:00 翌日,上午10点。 八荒城外,一片葱郁丛林中,到处都是一门忠烈备战的玩家 terjemahan - 第一百八十八章 大战一触即发2013-05-12 08:00:00 翌日,上午10点。 八荒城外,一片葱郁丛林中,到处都是一门忠烈备战的玩家 Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

第一百八十八章 大战一触即发2013-05-12 08:00:00 翌

第一百八十八章 大战一触即发
2013-05-12 08:00:00



































































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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
188th hair-trigger2013-05-12 08:00:00 The following day, at 10 o'clock in the morning. Bā huāng outside, lush jungles, everywhere is a players ' prepare for war, killing the Dragon team of 7 people had arrived, all eager, ready to hit the 100VS100 Guild Wars. Standing under a pear tree, arms folded in front of me, looking at general Li Mu, and asked: "ask no, longxiang specific invite people into the Guild? ” Li Mu nodded, said: "only entered Guild 2 hours hòu of players to entered gained battlefield, according to I placement in Dragon Cheung Association of inside players information, Dragon in days from nine licheng invited has 11 a master joined, are is CBN war network qián 1000 of master, addition, he also from where Bookstore invited has 21 people, exclusively 50+ level of high-end players, zhī hòu, is from bā huāng city of please aid has......" As I laid eyes on the cold: "bā huāng, who went to help Lung Cheung? ” Li Mu fist, bitterly: "edge, on loan, sharpness of 13 core players join the Lung Cheung are the heavy armor is an attacking player. ” "13 people? ” "Yes!" "One side, General Wang Jian holds the hilt:" unfettered, that 13 people are ranked in the top 1000 of the CBN network players and follow the edge of cold war the North and South after several games of hardcore, it is the best team the edge, has a cutting edge 13 Eagle title, have you ever played the blue wolves, is cutting edge 13 top captain of the Eagles! ” I fist: "the rub, according to this opinion, has greatly adverse to us. ” Li Mu nodded: "Yes, their average grade was almost dumped US 2-3 level, levels and equipment we do not prevail, longxiang nearly 50% of foreign aid, is to win! ” Maccha MM blinked and said "foreign aid is not necessarily a good thing, their combat sense of understanding could be as good as our, and maps are also of considerable importance, the rational use of terrain, perhaps we still have a chance. ” I said, "winning battleground map when come out? ” "For 30 minutes before going to war, is very tight, we are waiting. ” “嗯……” …… Li Mu sat under a tree on the lawn, holding his head, eyebrows like scimitars, locked, looking distressed, whispered, "happy, can you please tell me what should I do? One of the dreams of the martyrs are our brothers, our campaign started in the virtual world, why would encounter longxiang, cutting edge this way? ” I patted him on the shoulder and said with smile: "not under too much pressure, not to worry, we are all with you on the same page, even if lost will not be sorry, mention the fact that we may lose? ” Li Mu nodded. Aside, Admiral lien calls has tone, mention with long bow, laughed: "we this group Admiral family of people, was bā huāng city of players called is madman, may is really of, we dare playing dare spell, anyone we are not eye, and, we very love warring States era of name, that group people put ID shàng of name are modified has, as the unfettered you see of, Li Mu formerly known as Li Xin, renamed for Li Mu, Wang Jian formerly known as Wang Teng, renamed Wang Jian, Bai Qi formerly known as of Solanum lyratum Thunb, renamed white up, I original named SUN Hong, even surname are modified has, Named after lien, a three-Bowl ... ... " I don't laughed and said, "well, precisely because of this that we will close that life is a lonely journey, accompanied by friends and dreams, and without those, living and dead, what is the difference? ” Li Mu stood up and slightly laughed: "well, happy are right, one of the martyrs was our dream, never letting the dragons in the sky that curs easily shattered our dreams! ” Me: "view equipment and more, check out again, and 1.5 hours of war, within 30 minutes before the game starts to get winning Battlefield map, developing tactics, if there is no tactic hard to come, we probably don't even have a 20% chance! ” Li Mu nods: "well!" ” …… The passage of time drops, for a ' player this is a destroyed, has an expectation, an Association against the three main cities of elite players, opponent is much stronger than us, it's Quicken up the challenge. "Carefree brother ... ..." Song Han quietly leaning on the tree behind me carrying a dagger, and asked: "can we win? I am always worried, fearing that we will win ... ... " I smiled, reached out and pointed to the doors ' logo on his arm, saying: "today, we put on a ' shirt, then go all out, even if it is defeated before we have a clear conscience! ” Matcha MM nods: "UM, boss was right ... ..." Ran Min with the Tomahawk, and grinned: "don't say, lose lose, haven't opened yet, I ll see you hand under me, I also want to see the so-called cutting edge 13 Eagles players what level true legends of so severe? ” …… 片刻之后,“叮”一声,终于扬威战场的地图出现了,是一张10000×10000的地图,说大不大,说小也不小,地图的中心是一片高地,葱郁丛林,四周则是复杂的灌木横生地带,双方玩家会从地图的两端传送进入,战斗开始后打开结界,在地图内决战!死亡一样会掉级,一样会爆掉装备。 “哗……” 丛林深处,李牧伸手一挥在前方夜空里展开扬威战场的地图,目光冷峻的在上面扫了扫,随后轻声道:“大家都看到了扬威战场的样子了,有什么建议可以直接说,反正都是自家兄弟!” 王翦低声道:“地图挺大的,灌木丛、深沟里可以埋伏灵术师、弓箭手、火枪手来伏击。” 上将白起嘿嘿一笑:“我们100人里有44个重甲系玩家,在平原地带上冲锋攻击应该是最犀利的,可以跟他们硬碰硬来一场!” 我忽地摇头:“别,千万不要这样……” 李牧抬头看看我,问:“逍遥认为最关键的地方是哪儿?” 我伸手一指地图,说:“最关键的应该是地图中心的高地,高地地形能够提升重甲系玩家的冲击力,也能增幅远程的杀伤力与射程,得高地者得战场,高地之争是不可避免的。” 抹茶MM轻笑:“嘻嘻,还是老大看得通透,这片高地确实是必争的,一旦占领高地,进可攻退可守,就等于掌握了战争的主动权了。” 李牧一点头:“好,那就预定战术为争夺高地!” 廉颇微微笑道:“嗯,就是要这样,我最怕胡乱冲撞,那就输了,我们的单兵战斗力除了逍遥、李牧、王翦你们几个,其余人都比不上对方,必须团在一起才有胜算。” “说说具体战术吧!”李牧深吸了口气:“我们的时间已经不多了。” 人群中,狐狸忽地咳了咳,说:“李牧盟主,我们这次参战的火枪手一共有多少?” 李牧一愣:“一共8个,怎么……” 狐狸拄着火枪站起身,说:“火枪手的攻击力不如弓箭手、灵术师这些远程,大家也有目共睹了,团战中,火枪手的炮击对重甲伤害简直就像是在挠痒,所以我建议把8个火枪手聚集在一起,集中指挥攻击目标,专打对方的弓箭手、火枪手、悬壶者这几个轻甲职业,炮击重叠,8层炮击差不多就能秒杀了,不知道你意下如何?” 李牧不禁一笑,重重点头:“嗯!那其余的七个火枪手都交给你了,琉璃狐!” “好,我会重点埋伏与指挥,争取把这个冷门职业打成热门,让他们忌惮我们!” “好!” …… 简单的安排了一下其余的战术,首要目标是夺下高地,其余的都是细则,略微磋商一下,进场时间就已经快要到了! “叮!” 系统提示:你被选拔为本公会的扬威战场参与者,比赛将会在5分钟后开始,现在已经可以进场,是否立刻传送? 确认! “刷!” 身体化为零星光芒被带进了扬威战场,眼前一亮,我出现在一片绿色丛林内,到处都是残剑断戟,腐朽的人类、兽人尸体残骸破败落地,一片肃杀场面,远远的看过去,地图中心的高地耸立在那里,大约50米高度,而在我们前方就是一道结界禁锢着地图一端,战斗开始后才会解除。 …… “咕咚!” 李牧咽了口唾沫,脸上有些紧张却更多的是兴奋,这也是个战争狂人,就算是这一战系着一门忠烈的生死,他还是在战斗前就开始血脉沸腾了,当然,如此渴望战争的还有两个人,一个是白起,一个是老K,都是好战分子。 “怎么冲高地?”抹茶淡淡道:“必须提前准备好……” 我点点头,对李牧说:“你带着20人重甲系从右侧冲,我带着斩龙团队从左侧冲,谁先冲上去就开始压制,掩护其余的玩家上高地,争夺高地一战至关重要,狐狸,你带好8人火炮小队,一会我指定坐标,你们立刻锁定攻击!我们要一战扬名,彻底瓦解龙翔,给飞龙在天的这张老脸上响亮的来一记耳光!” 李牧和狐狸一起点头:“OK,没问题!” …… 五分钟的煎熬,终于,眼前的帷幕在一点点的消散,系统也开始扬威行会战的读秒了—— “3!” “2!” “1!” 激动人心的时刻来临,开战了! 擎着霜霖剑,我是第一个冲出去的玩家,身后,冉闵、东城雷、抹茶一起跟着冲了出去,紧接着就是宋寒、狐狸、凫水囡囡等人,李牧则带着另一群人从右侧突进,与我们保持着并肩的姿态,相距不到百米,随时都能相互呼应。
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
One hundred and eighty eighth chapter imminent war
2013-05-12 08:00:00
next day, 10:00. Glorious city, a lush jungle, full of players preparing for a Valiant, slaying the dragon's seven-member team has arrived, all getting ready to fight this war 100VS100 of the guild. Pear tree stood, arms folded on my chest, watching Admiral Li Mu, asked: "do not inquire into, Lung specifically invite people into the guild of what?" Li Mu nodded and said: "Only enter Guild 2 Hours after the player to enter won in the battlefield, according to the Lung Association, I placed in the player inside information from Jiu City Soaring invited 11 experts to join, are masters of war CBN network before 1000, in addition, he is also from Where Bookstore invited 21 people, all-level 50+ high-end players, then, is to ask assistance from the glorious city of ...... " I look for a cold: "? glorious city, who go Lung of the" Li Mu fist, bitterly said:. "cutting edge, on loan, the edge of the 13 core players to join the Lung, players are attacking armored train" ? "13 people" "Yes!" aside, Admiral Wang Jian sword clenched handle, said: "Happy, that 13 of the top 1000 players are battle CBN network also follow Janus cold expedition north and south through multiple games elite enthusiasts, it is the cutting edge of the most elite team, with thirteen eagle edge ! the title, you have played against the Wolf, is the captain of the edge thirteen top-ranked Eagles " I fist:. "rub, according to this situation seems to us a big disadvantage of the" Li Mu nodded: "ah, they are The average level of almost thrown us 2-3 grade, on grade and equipment we are not dominant, the Lung please nearly 50% of foreign aid, is determined to win the "! aside, Matcha MM blinked his eyes, said: " foreign aid and more is not necessarily a good thing, they are fighting a sense of understanding may be better than us, and that the map is quite important, rational use of terrain, perhaps we still have a chance. " I asked: "? won in the battlefield map out what time." "30 minutes before the war, very urgent, we are waiting for." "ah ......" ...... Li Mu sat on the grass under a tree, his hands holding his head, Jian Mei locked, look some pain, and whispered: "Happy, can you tell me how can I do it? Valiant is a dream of a few of our brothers, the virtual world is the beginning of our campaign, and why he would face Lung, the edge of this stumbling block it?" I patted him shoulders, smiled and said: "? Do not bear too much pressure, all right, there we work hand in hand with you, even if it is lost, it will not be sorry, not to mention we might not lose it," Li Mu nodded. Aside, Admiral Lian sigh, put the longbow, smiled and said: "We will be a family group of people who are glorious city of players called a madman, may well be true, we dare dares, any people are not looked down on us, and we are very beloved star of the Warring States era, a group of people that the name on the ID card have changed, Happy As you can see, formerly known as Li Mu Li Xin, renamed Li Mu, WANG Jian Formerly known as Wang Teng, WANG Jian renamed, formerly white from white British, renamed white from my original name Sun Hong, even the name has changed, the future is called Lian, meal bowls ...... " I could not help smile, said: "ah ?, precisely because of this, we will utter sincerity, life was a lonely journey, accompanied by friends and dreams, without these, alive and dead, what is the difference, " Li Mu stood up, smiled slightly: "ah, Happy to say right, a door Valiant is our dream, never let that villain Soaring easily shattered our dreams! " Me: "View equipment, etc., test and correct to say, there is a half-hour battle the !, fighting to obtain within 30 minutes before the start of the battle won in the map information, develop tactics, if it is not hard to tactics, we might not even 20% of the odds are not " Li Mu nodded: "ah!" ...... Time drops goes forward, for a Valiant for gamers, this is a kind of violence, can be considered an expectation, a guild duel from the main city of the three elite players, the opponent is much stronger than us, the challenge is simply too makes the heart beat faster. "Happy brother ......"宋寒静quiet carrying a dagger against a tree behind me and asked: "We can win it I'm always a little worried, worried that we could not win ......?" I faint smile, hand pointing on the arm of a Valiant Signet, said: "Today, we put on a shirt Valiant, we must go all out, even if it is defeated and we have a clear conscience!" Matcha MM nodded: "ah, boss right right ...... " Ran Min carrying Tomahawk, grinned: "Do not lose do not lose anything, and not open to fight it, that time pinpointing Shoudexia, I would also like to see what is known as the Eagle edge thirteen players in the end is what level, really legendary so bad? " ...... After a moment, "ding" sound, and finally won in the battlefield map appears, is a 10000 × 10000 maps, so big that small is not small, center of the map is a plateau, lush jungle, surrounded by shrubs is a complex phenomena zone, both players from both ends of the map will be transferred into the battle after the start of open enchantment, decisive battle in the map! Like death will level off, they would explode equipment. "Wow ......" jungle, Li Mu waved his hand in front of the night sky unfold won in the battlefield map, solemn eyes sweep the sweep at the top, and then whispered: "We have seen the way won in battle, what suggestions You can just say, anyway, his brother! " Wang Jian whispered: "map big bushes, deep ditch can ambush spirit Alchemist, archers, musketeers to ambush." ​​Admiral white from Hey smile: "We have 100 people there are 44 heavy armor system players, charge should be the most trenchant attack on the plains, you can come to a head-on with them!" I suddenly shook his head: "Do not, do not like this ......" Li Mu rise Look at me and asked: "Happy that the most critical place?" I reached a finger map, said: "The most important center of the map should be the highlands, highland terrain heavy armor system can enhance the player's impact, but also Remote increase lethality and range, too Highland bidder battlefield Heights dispute is inevitable. " Matcha MM chuckle: "Hee hee, transparent or boss to see this piece of high ground indeed compete once occupied Highlands, back into the attack and defend, is tantamount to grasp the initiative in the war, " Li Mu nodded: "Well, it is scheduled to compete tactics Heights"! Lian smiled slightly: "ah, is to this, I Fear ricochet wildly, then lost, in addition to our man fighting Happy, Li Mu, WANG Jian you guys, the rest do not compare to each other, must have a chance of winning group together. " "Talk about specific tactics it!" Li Mu took a deep breath: "Our time is running out." crowd, the fox suddenly cough cough, said: "The chief Li Mu, this time we fought a number of musketeers There?" Li Mu Yi Leng: "A total of 8 one, how ...... " guns stood leaning Fox, said: "The attack is not as archers musketeers, spiritual Alchemist these remote, we are obvious, the team battles, shelling musketeers heavy armor damage is simply like the tickling, so I propose to eight musketeers together, centralized command targets, designed to fight each other archers, musketeers, hanging pots were several light armor occupation, shelling overlap shelling almost on the 8th floor ? can spike, and do not know how you think of it, " Li Mu can not help but smile, heavy nod: "ah remaining seven musketeers that are handed to you, Glass Fox"!! "Well, I will focus on ambush and command, for Popular labeled this unpopular occupation, let them fear us! " " Good! " ...... simple arrangement a bit the rest of the tactics, the primary goal is won highlands, the rest are details about a little consultation, admission time is about to begin! ! "Bite" the system prompt: You are selecting participants based Association won in battle, the game will start in five minutes later, you can now have been admitted, whether transmitted immediately? Confirmation! "Brush!" the body into scattered light is brought into the won in the battlefield, shines, I appeared in a green jungle everywhere Canjian off halberd, decaying humans, orcs body remains dilapidated floor, a chill scene, Look past the far highland center of the map stands there, about 50 meters high, and in front of us is an enchantment imprison the map at one end, only lifted after the fighting began. ...... "plump!" Li Mu swallowed, his face a little nervous, but more excited, this is a war maniacs, even if this war is tied with a Valiant's death, he was in the blood before the battle begins boiling, of course, there are two people so eager to war, one is white from an old K, are militants. "How ascribed to?" Matcha light: "must be prepared in advance ......" I nodded, Li Mu said: "You take 20 people and heavy armor from the right punch line, I took a team from the left side of the red dragon cut , who first began pressing rushed opinions, covering the rest of the players on the ground, a war is essential to compete Heights, fox, you take a good eight artillery squad, I will return the specified coordinates, you immediately locked attack! We want a war fame, Lung collapse completely, to this old face Soaring to a resounding slap in the face! " Li Mu and foxes together nod: "! OK, no problem," ...... five minutes of suffering, and finally, in front of the curtain a little bit dissipation, the system won in the line of battle began the countdown - "! 3" ! "2" "! 1" exciting moment comes, go to war! Lin frost were holding a sword, I was the first player to go out, behind Ran Min, East mine, along with green tea together and rushed out, followed by that song cold, fox, mallard water little girl, who, Li Mu is with another onrush group of people from the right, side by side with us to maintain posture, less than 100 meters away, at all echoed.

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Hasil (Inggris) 3:[Salinan]
Chapter 188 fights to be ready to be set off the
2013-05-12 08:00: 00
next day, 10:00 am. Outside the

whole wide world city, in a piece of green jungle, everywhere is the players who loyal and heroic prepares, cut the dragon 7 people of squads also to arrive, was all ready to fight, prepares to hit this 100VS100 guild to fight.

stands under the pear colored tree, my both arms hug in the front, looks at general Li Mu, asked: "Inquired that what person dragon did fly in circles invites to enter the trade union specifically?"

Li Mu nods, said: "Only then enters the guild the 2 hours later players to enter strikes awe the battlefield, places according to me in the inside connection player information of dragon flying in circles trade union,Feilong invited 11 masters to ally from nine Licheng in the day, was CBN fights the net first 1000 masters . Moreover, he also invited 21 people from every book city, uniform 50 levels of high-end players, later, from whole wide world city has asked for aid ......"

coldly my vision one: "Whole wide world city, who helped the dragon fly in circles?"

Li Mu makes a fist, said bitterly: "The way of point, to rent, the 13 core players of point have joined Long Xiang, is the attack players of heavy A department."

"13 people?"

"!"Nearby, the general Wang Jian Jinwo sword hilt, said: "Ramble, that 13 people are CBN fight the net to place the first 1000 players,Also is follows Jianfeng to go on an expedition north and south coldly after the bone ash level players of many games, that is the point sharpest team, has the titles of point 13 hawks, you had fought dark green wolf, is the teams leader in point 13 hawk place first places!"

I make a fist: "Scratches, looks like according to this situation, to our big was disadvantageous."

Li Mu nods: "Um, their average ranks almost can fling our 2-3 levels, in the rank and equipment we do not get the advantage, Long Xiangqing about 50% foreign aids, won!"Nearby

, wipes tea MM to blink, said: "Foreign aid many also not necessarily is good deed,Their fight tacit feelings will possibly be inferior to us . Moreover, map also quite important, uses the terrain reasonably, perhaps we have the opportunity."

I asked: "When strikes awe the battlefield map to come out?"

"makes war first 30 minutes, is urgent, we."

"um ......"


Li Mu sits on the lawn under tree, both hands hold the head, the straight eyebrows slanting upwards and outwards are tightening, the look is somewhat painful, said in a low voice: "Ramble, what to do can you tell me me should? How many dreams one loyal and heroic is our brothers, is we go on an expedition the start of virtual world, why meets Long Xiang, point obstacle?
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